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SKU: 1099481
SKU: 1099481
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Riverwood 6x36 Matte Porcelain Tile in Cherry
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Tranquility and traditional touches blend creating a versatile natural wood look married with the performance of porcelain. Unlike traditional hardwood, Riverwood is tenacious in the wet areas of your home, making it the perfect choice for areas such as high traffic entryways, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and even commercial applications. Make your spaces more inviting with this refreshing and crisp design. Offered in three inviting colorways including a delicious cherry, opulent gunstock, and dense walnut. This collection promotes the advantages of tile including low maintenance, scratch resistance, stain resistance, VOC free, and it won’t fade over time like traditional hardwood.
technical data
test method
industry standard
Surface Wear Resistance
ANSI - A137.1
Surface Wear-resistance properties of glazed vitreous and porcelain tiles
All Commercial / Residential
Chemical Resistance
ASTM - 650
A tile sample is placed in coninuous contact with a variety of chemicals for 24 hours. No sample must show visible defects.
Not affected
D.C.O.F. AcuTest
ANSI - A326.3
Indoor ≥0.42 Wet
Outdoor >0.55 Wet
Outdoor >0.55 Wet
≥0.42 Wet (Matte Surfaces)
>0.55 Wet (2cm & Grip)
>0.55 Wet (2cm & Grip)
Stain Resistance
ASTM - C1378
Surfaces are exposed to staining agents for 24 hours followed by four cleaning procedures. Results are recorded post cleaning.
Not affected
Resistance To Freeze
ASTM - C1026
A tile sample is subjected to repeated processes of freezing and thawing. Sample must show no visible defects
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Product Specification
6" x 36"
8 mm
Carbon neutral